
Patient hotline issues

Our patient hotline number currently has issues and you may not be able to get through to us.

The team have mobile numbers you can get in contact with us on:

07890 914678
07890 914659

Engineers are currently trying to resolve the problem and we'll update you when it's fixed.

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Supportive care team services

The supportive care team helps patients and families live as actively as possible by providing high quality pain and symptom control as well as practical and psychological support.

The supportive care team have expertise in treating pain and symptoms. We can be involved with your care at ANY STAGE DURING YOUR ILLNESS; from diagnosis through treatment and beyond.

Our team enables The Christie to meet the needs of patients with advanced and incurable malignancy, and those of their carer's.

We aim to:
  • Ensure that best practice in palliative care is integrated with all clinical activities.
  • Adopt a team approach to physical, psychological, spiritual and social concerns by working alongside other staff who remain responsible for patient care.
  • Provide continuity of care and increased patient choice by improving liaison with outside professionals and palliative care services.
  • Develop educational, audit and research activities relating to palliative care within The Christie.
Our team sees patients referred from any ward or outpatient service, for example:
  • Where control of pain or other symptoms is difficult.
  • If additional support is needed for a distressed patient or carer.
  • When patients or carers need further advice or information.
  • When help is needed to plan future care.

Our team can be contacted for advice and support by any member of staff. We make initial assessments, offer advice, liaise with other staff and maintain contact during admission and, in some circumstances, follow up patients with on-going problems.

The team consists of:

  • Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Care and Oncology and Consultant in Palliative Care
  • Macmillan Nurse Consultant in Palliative Care
  • Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialists in Palliative Care
  • Secretarial Support

Last updated: May 2024