Christie Quality

Quality report - 2023/24

Quality report - 2023/24

This annual report shows the progress we have made to the quality of our services over the past 12 months and our quality improvement plans for the future.

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chemotherapy nurse and patient, chemotherapy department, September 2022, Pan Artists, Leslie Maylett, Chemotherapy staff nurse, Jessica Coombs

The Quality Mark

The Quality Mark assures patients that wherever they receive treatment, they can feel confident it will always be of the highest standard.

Read The Quality Mark Article

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

The aim of the CQC is to ensure people experience services that meet fundamental standards of quality and safety, and respect their dignity and rights.

Read Care Quality Commission (CQC) Article
A graphic showing The Christie's corporate values and behaviours. A blue circle on the left shows a star and reads Make a Difference. Round the edge, it reads We are courageous and try new ideas, and we are honest and take responsibility. A pink circle in the middle shows hands embracing people and reads Act with Kindness. Round the edge, it reads We care for each other and our environment, and we show appreciation and celebrate success. A purple circle on the right shows people working together to create a complete puzzle and reads Connect with People. Round the edge, it reads We are inclusive, and we work together as one team.

Our Values and Behaviours

The Christie Values and Behaviours describes what patients and families can expect from us, as well as what staff can expect from each other.

Read Our Values and Behaviours Article

Last updated: June 2024