There are a lot of different people involved in your care in the Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) service at The Christie. You can read a bit more about some of them here.
There are a lot of different people involved in your care in the Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) service at The Christie. You can read a bit more about some of them here.
When you start your treatment at the TYA service at The Christie, we’ll assign you a key worker. This person is generally a specialist nurse.
Your key worker is your key point of contact. They will support you and your family through your treatment.
They can:
When you finish your treatment, your key worker will change from a nurse to a youth support coordinator. They will help you to access any further support you might need after treatment.
Depending on your treatment, you might be able to have some of your treatment closer to home. If treatment closer to home is suitable for you, one of the TYA outreach nurses will support you with this.
The Teenage Cancer Trust Youth Support Coordinator (YSC) team and service exists in order to provide social and emotional care to young people (aged 16 to 24) treated at The Christie, and also in designated trusts across Cheshire, Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria.
There is also a YSC based in the proton beam therapy centre at The Christie who will work with and support young people aged 13-24.
Through a ward and community based programme, young people are encouraged to engage in workshops, peer support groups and residential activities. The focus is on wellbeing, and the age-appropriate service allows young people to cope, adjust and continue to thrive during their treatment and beyond.
You’ll meet a number of different nurses in the TYA service at The Christie. You’ll see some of them if you come to the hospital for outpatient appointments or as an inpatient on the Palatine ward.
The lead nurse for teenagers and young adults is responsible for the development of excellence in clinical care. It’s their job to make sure all young people across the North West can access cancer services that are appropriate for them.
The lead nurse is always keen to hear from young people and families about any experiences that happen during treatment, whether positive or negative.
You can contact the TYA lead nurse at
While you’re a patient in the TYA service, your key worker is usually a specialist nurse. It’s their job to help coordinate your care throughout your treatment.
The matron is the nurse responsible for the overall running and quality of the Palatine Treatment Centre, which includes Palatine ward and Rob’s day unit.
They are one of the senior nurses within the hospital. You can find the matron on the Palatine ward and they welcome any feedback about your experience whilst you are at The Christie.
When you come to the TYA service as an inpatient, we will assign a nurse each day to looking after you and coordinate your daily care. The nursing team will try to ensure that you see the same nurse as often as possible.
If you have any worries or concerns about your treatment or day-to-day management, please ask your nurse.
The oncology and haematology social work service at The Christie is provided by Young Lives Vs Cancer. They have a social care team ready to support you, whether it’s with money, benefits or accommodation queries, emotional support or questions about living with cancer. You can message them online, chat over the phone on 0300 303 5220 or just drop them an email at
Young Lives Vs Cancer's lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and online chat is Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm. You can connect with other young people who’ve had a cancer diagnosis and hear their experiences and tips for dealing with it.
At The Christie, Young Lives Vs Cancer have a team of social workers with the multi-disciplinary team in the TYA service. You can refer yourself, speak with your key worker or other health professional and they can contact the team on your behalf.
As an organisation, Young Lives Vs Cancer offer support in a variety of ways to every young person up to 24 years' old who meets our eligibility criteria. This includes any young person who:
The person responsible for your overall care and treatment is your consultant. This is a highly experienced doctor that is a specialist in your type of cancer.
Your consultant will manage your treatment plan and discuss this with you and your family or carers.
You can find out more about your consultant on their consultant profile.
Some of the consultants who work in the TYA service are:
If you come to the hospital as an inpatient and stay on Palatine ward, you will be in the care of a team of doctors. This means that more than one consultant may look after you during your treatment.
Physiotherapy helps to address physical difficulties caused by cancer and cancer treatments. This aims to maximise independence and allow people to continue the activities they enjoy. By keeping as fit and active as possible during treatment, patients can reduce the impact of cancer on their daily lives.
Physiotherapy treatment varies from person to person. It is tailored to individual needs and priorities, and may involve:
Physiotherapy is available during and after treatment, for both inpatients and outpatients.
The occupational therapy service is available for teenagers and young adults who have been treated for cancer between the ages of 16 and 24. This service is offered to inpatients and outpatients, both during and after treatment.
The occupational therapist completes an assessment of patients' needs and provides advice and strategies to manage any physical or emotional challenges as a result of a cancer diagnosis. These strategies include:
The occupational therapist offers one-to-one support as well as the opportunity to join in with group activities, such as making meals, baking, body image and peer support groups. The aim of occupational therapy is to increase independence and help patients engage in activities to maintain self-identity and quality of life, during and post -cancer treatment.
Complementary therapies are therapeutic treatments used alongside conventional medicine. They may assist with comfort, help with relaxation and distract from the side effects of hospital treatment.
They include guidance with self-help techniques to a simple essential oil massage. They are available for all teenagers and young adults and those supporting them in the hospital or as outpatients. Complementary therapists will be happy to discuss with patients what treatments are safe and suitable for them.
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