Do you have great ideas but struggle to put them forward? Do you find yourself shying away from giving opinions or making suggestions? Do you make suggestions but feel they are ignored or not taken seriously?
Then this workshop is for you! During this interactive half-day workshop we will encourage participation, ideas and conversation. We will listen to what you have to say and help you to build the confidence to articulate it and be heard. We will work with you to help identify what barriers to communication you are experiencing. Together, we will explore ways to ensure the message we want to give is received and understood.
By the end of this workshop you will better understand how to be assertive. We will develop your confidence in communication, including how to say ‘no’.
This workshop is suitable for any health or social care professionals who wish to increase their confidence and build their assertiveness when communicating.
You will learn through a mixture of presentation, interactive discussions and demonstration of skills in practice.
You can apply for the Communicate to be Heard workshop on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 or apply for the Thursday 20 March 2025 date now.
© 2025 The Christie NHS Foundation Trust