Complementary health and wellbeing advice

The complementary health and wellbeing service at The Christie is the largest in the UK and nationally recognised.

The service comprises several streams of intervention including:

  • health advice (e.g. smoking cessation),
  • acute interventions for psychological distress and associated non-concordance with treatment (e.g. claustrophobia during XRT), and
  • management of physiological consequences of pathology and treatment (e.g. acupuncture for neuropathy). 

A key aspect of work is to facilitate service users maintaining some control over their lives (self-management). This can enhance agreement with treatment, decrease disruption to services and facilitate a level of empowerment after discharge.

We can offer our clients support to:

  • Establish key services in this area and advice on the best delivery model
  • Review existing services and offer advice around opportunities to improve
  • Identify key areas for development based on local priorities
  • Audit and evaluate this service area 

All packages of work can be linked to research and training programmes. 

Please contact us for more information about our services in this area.

Last updated: April 2023