Volunteers - Find a role

We currently have over 40 existing volunteers and so vacancies are not always available. When we do have vacancies, we will advertise them on this page and you can apply for any roles you are interested in.

Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we reserve the right to close any adverts before the published closing date once we have received a sufficient number of applications. We advise you to submit your application as early as possible to prevent disappointment.

Closing date of role

Tuesday 25 February 2025

Purpose of role

The transfusion committee meets remotely every 3 to 4 months. The meetings are held using MS Teams. Volunteers should be prepared to meet remotely until further notice. Meeting if/when they resume face to face will be held in the main hospital site on Wilmslow Road, in the haematology seminar room. The Transfusion Committee is currently undergoing a committee update to encompass representatives from all clinical divisions. The committee oversees all aspects of the transfusion service in The Christie, Clinical Pathology Partnership and The Christie Private Care. 

To help ensure that the work that we do is informed by patients and the public, we require a patient or relative (of a patient treated at the Christie) to join the transfusion committee. The user representative would be recruited as a Christie volunteer through the usual process.

The role will require you to be a resident of The Christie’s patient catchment area.

Scope of role

Transfusion committee

Responsibility for role

Transfusion committee, Marketing and engagement manager, marketing and engagement officer/co-ordinator, volunteers

Time commitment

Meetings usually take place on a Monday and are scheduled for 2 hours. Preparation time of reading the papers and related materials would take between 2 to 4 hours depending on the content of the agenda. Access to your own printer would be helpful, although printed copies can be supplied if not.

Related documents

  • Management of volunteers' policy
  • Health and safety policy
  • Local risk assessment(s)
  • Uniform and workwear policy and code of appearance
  • Volunteer agreement
  • Transfusion policy V4.1


Volunteers are required to:

  • Be registered volunteers who are DBS checked and cleared
  • Attend meetings remotely using MS Teams while onsite meetings are restricted
  • Wear identity badges and volunteer lanyard if on site
  • Conform to Trust policies and procedures that they are made aware of
  • Report any accident/untoward occurrences to a member of staff
  • Comply with training provided
  • Duties will include:
    • Using your knowledge and experience to give objective advice about the impact on patients and carers around the issues being considered by the committee, whilst leaving aside any personal agenda and issues.
    • Have a genuine interest in improving services for patients and an understanding of the NHS
    • Understand and evaluate a range of information and evidence
    • Ask constructive challenging questions
    • Work as part of a group, building effective relationships, and listening to and considering the views of others
    • Have good time management skills
    • Have good IT skills.
    • Have access to a private setting and IT equipment such as a laptop/PC or tablet to take part in online meetings
    • Read papers and related materials in advance, which will be circulated electronically
    • Have an awareness of and commitment to equality and diversity
    • Understand the need for confidentiality
  • Do no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines
  • The transfusion practitioner will:
    • Supervise the work of the volunteer
    • Be able to deal with any queries/problems/concerns from volunteers
    • Liaise with the marketing and engagement department as required
    • Include volunteer activity in their risk assessments
    • Offer a local induction programme
    • Provide a commitment that your views will be taken seriously
    • Offer advice, guidance and support from the chair and vice-chair of the committee
    • Offer pre-meeting briefings to discuss the agenda
    • Provide a clear set of working practice standards including a commitment to use jargon-free language and provide information such as meeting papers in good time
    • Commit to being transparent in the information shared and be honest about what can and cannot be achieved
  • The marketing and engagement department will:
    • Register volunteers on behalf of The Christie
    • Arrange mandatory training
    • Maintain records of volunteers’ online training
    • Liaise with the staff and volunteers
    • Provide a clear description of your role

Mandatory training

  • To complete online mandatory training as specified by the marketing and engagement department
  • To complete additional training as required – to be provided by the departmental staff

Flu vaccination

Flu is a key factor in NHS winter pressures. It impacts on those who become ill, the NHS services that provide direct care as a result, and on the wider health and social care system that supports people in at risk groups. We encourage volunteers to be vaccinated to help reduce the spread of unplanned hospital admissions and pressure on the NHS.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

At The Christie, we aim to deliver healthcare services that are accessible and inclusive to everyone. We want our teams to reflect the diversity of the patients and communities we serve and therefore welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and identities.

To ensure The Christie is a place characterised by dignity and inclusivity, we ask that volunteers show equal respect to all staff, patients, visitors, and to each other regardless of their background or ability.

Closing date of role

Tuesday 11 February 2025

Purpose of role

The Christie patient information committee meets every month. Meetings are held online using MS Teams and are usually held on the first Thursday of the month. Volunteers should be prepared to meet remotely using MS Teams The patient information committee is made up of representatives across The Trust. The committee works to oversee information (print and digital) produced for patients and carers about the treatment and services we provide. This includes new and existing information which is reviewed every 3 years. 

To help ensure that the work that we do is informed by patients and the public, we require a further patient/user representative to join the committee who will represent the residents of Greater Manchester and Cheshire. The patient/user representative will be recruited as a Christie volunteer.

The role will require you to be a resident (patient, public, member or carer) of The Christie patient catchment area. You should have a knowledge of the local area.

Scope of role

Patient information committee

Responsibility for role

Marketing and engagement manager (vice-chair PIC), marketing and engagement officer/co-ordinator, volunteers

Time commitment

Meetings usually take place on the first Thursday of every month and are scheduled for 1 hour. This may extend to 1 hour 30 minutes if required. Preparation time of reading the papers and related materials would take between 2 to 4 hours depending on the content of the agenda.

We are looking for a representative who can commit to the role for 1 year initially.

Related documents

  • Management of volunteers' policy
  • Health and safety policy
  • Local risk assessment(s)
  • Uniform and workwear policy and code of appearance
  • Volunteer agreement


Volunteers are required to:

  • Be registered volunteers who are DBS checked and cleared
  • Attend meetings remotely using MS Teams
  • Wear identity badges and volunteer lanyard if on site
  • Conform to Trust policies and procedures that they are made aware of
  • Report any accident/untoward occurrences to a member of staff
  • Comply with training provided
  • In this role, you will:
    • use your knowledge and experience to give objective advice about the impact on patients and carers around the issues and information being considered by the committee, while leaving aside any personal agenda and issues
    • review information for patients and carers related to cancer treatment and services at The Christie
    • provide constructive feedback and question where improvements can be made to information
    • have a genuine interest in improving services for patients and an understanding of the NHS
    • understand and evaluate a range of information and evidence
    • ask constructive questions with patient and carer needs at the heart of all information
    • work as part of a group, building effective relationships, listen to and consider the views of others
    • have good time management skills
    • have good IT skills. Support can be given on how to use Adobe tools to review documents
    • have access to a private setting and IT equipment such as a laptop/PC or tablet to take part in online meetings
    • read papers and related materials in advance, which will be circulated electronically
    • mark up comments on documents digitally using comments tools and provide these to the patient information team by email. New committee volunteer members not familiar with using Adobe Acrobat tools to markup PDFs will be provided with support to be able to do so
    • have an awareness of and commitment to equality and diversity
    • understand the need for confidentiality
    • treat all committee members fairly and with respect
  • Do no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines
  • The patient information team will:
    • supervise the work of the volunteers
    • be able to deal with any queries/problems/concerns from volunteers
    • liaise with the marketing and engagement department as required
    • include volunteer activity in their risk assessments
    • offer a local induction programme
    • provide a commitment that your views will be taken seriously
    • offer advice, guidance and support from the chair and vice-chair of the committee
    • offer pre-meeting briefings to discuss the agenda
    • provide a clear set of working practice standards including a commitment to use jargon-free language and provide information such as meeting papers in good time
    • commit to being transparent in the information shared and be honest about what can and cannot be achieved
  • The marketing and engagement department will:
    • Register volunteers on behalf of The Christie
    • Arrange mandatory training
    • Maintain records of volunteers’ online training
    • Liaise with the staff and volunteers
    • Provide a clear description of your role

Mandatory training

  • volunteers must complete mandatory training as specified by the marketing and engagement department prior to starting. Training once completed is valid for 3 years and is transferrable to other NHS Trusts supporting the online volunteer passport. Guidance is provided.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

At The Christie, we aim to deliver healthcare services that are accessible and inclusive to everyone. We want our teams to reflect the diversity of the patients and communities we serve and therefore welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and identities.

To ensure The Christie is a place characterised by dignity and inclusivity, we ask that volunteers show equal respect to all staff, patients, visitors, and to each other regardless of their background or ability.

Further information

An example of a booklet that would be reviewed by the committee can be found on the patient booklets page of our website.

Committee members should be happy to review a range of information across different cancer types and treatments.

Successful shortlisted applicants will be invited for a short interview lasting 30 minutes with an opportunity for questions. The interview will be attended by a representative from volunteer services and the patient information committee.

You will be asked a small number of questions including why you want to volunteer at The Christie, why you would like to do the role you are applying for and what you can bring to the role. You will also be asked if you can commit to the role for the time asked each month and for a year from the point of starting your role.

More information about The Christie can be found on our website.

Closing date of role

Friday 28 February 2025

Purpose of role

The supportive oncology directorate board meets every month except during August. The meetings are usually held using MS Teams, although we are considering introducing the option to attend face-to-face or remotely by MS Teams in the future.

The volunteer role of supportive oncology board patient/user representative will help to ensure that the work we do is informed by patients and the public. You will use your experience as a patient or carer to represent the residents of Greater Manchester and Cheshire.

You will need to be a resident of The Christie patient catchment area and have knowledge of the local area. We are looking for 2 to 4 people who have either completed their cancer treatment and are now living with cancer, or who have cared for someone currently living with cancer.

In this role, you will help us to ensure our patients remain at the heart of everything we do by making our services more patient centred. Together, we aim to improve the care and services we provide for years to come.

Providing supportive oncology care involves medical and non-medical teams working together to help to prevent and manage the effects of cancer and its treatment. It includes prehabilitation, management of treatable but incurable cancer, curative disease, cancer survivorship and palliative and end of life care.

Supportive care at The Christie involves a range of areas working together including psycho-oncology, palliative care, dietetics and nutrition, speech and language, occupational therapy, chaplaincy, survivorship, enhanced supportive care and specialist frailty services/senior adult oncology.

Time commitment

Meetings usually take place on a Thursday from 12 to 1.30pm. However, to accommodate teams with clinical commitments, we ask for some flexibility around the date and time of meetings.

Preparation time to read the papers and related materials would take no more than 40 minutes depending on the content of the agenda. There is no need to print off the papers as they will be visible on your computer screen during online meetings. For face-to-face meetings, it can be helpful to have paper copies or to bring your laptop to the meeting.

We are looking for 2 to 4 representatives who can commit to the role for at least 1 year and cover 11 meetings between them.

Related documents

  • Management of volunteers' policy
  • Health and safety policy
  • Uniform and workwear policy and code of appearance
  • Volunteer agreement
  • Supportive oncology strategy (work in progress)


Volunteers are required to:

  • Be registered volunteers who are DBS checked and cleared
  • Attend meetings remotely using MS Teams
  • Wear identity badges and volunteer lanyard if on site
  • Conform to Trust policies and procedures that they are made aware of
  • Report any accident/untoward occurrences to a member of staff
  • Comply with training provided
  • In this role, you will:
    • use your knowledge and experience to give objective advice about the impact on patients and carers around the issues being considered by the board, while leaving aside any personal agenda and issues
    • have a genuine interest in improving services for patients and a basic understanding of the NHS
    • understand and evaluate a range of information and evidence
    • ask constructive and challenging questions
    • work as part of a group, build effective relationships, and listen to and consider the views of others
    • have good time management skills
    • have good IT skills
    • have access to a private setting and IT equipment such as a laptop/PC or tablet to take part in online meetings
    • read papers and related materials in advance, which will be circulated electronically
    • have an awareness of and commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion
    • understand the need for confidentiality
  • Do no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines
  • Volunteers are welcome to volunteer in more than 1 role at The Christie over a total of no more than 10 hours per week.
  • Your supervisor in the supportive oncology directorate will:
    • supervise the work of the volunteers
    • manage a local induction for the volunteers
    • be able to deal with any queries/problems/concerns from the volunteers
    • liaise with the marketing and engagement department as required
    • provide a commitment that the volunteers views will be taken seriously
    • offer advice, guidance and support
    • offer pre-meeting briefings to discuss the agenda
    • provide a commitment to use jargon-free language (as much as is practically possible) and provide information such as meeting papers in good time
    • commit to being transparent in the information shared and be honest about what can and cannot be achieved
  • The marketing and engagement department will:
    • Register volunteers on behalf of The Christie
    • Arrange mandatory training
    • Maintain records of volunteers’ online training
    • Liaise with the staff and volunteers
    • Provide a clear description of your role

Mandatory training

  • volunteers must complete mandatory training as specified by the marketing and engagement department prior to starting. Training once completed is valid for 3 years and is transferrable to other NHS Trusts supporting the online volunteer passport. Guidance is provided.
  • additional training as required must be completed– to be provided by the departmental staff.

COVID vaccination

To help maintain the highest levels of safety for our patients, volunteers, and staff, we encourage volunteers to be vaccinated. Volunteers may take the opportunity to be vaccinated as part of our staff vaccination programme.

Flu vaccination

Flu is a key factor in NHS winter pressures. It impacts on those who become ill, the NHS services that provide direct care as a result, and on the wider health and social care system that supports people in at risk groups. We encourage volunteers to be vaccinated to help reduce the spread of unplanned hospital admissions and pressure on the NHS.

Further information

The committee has a full agenda that encompasses the full range of activity in the supportive oncology directorate. This will include operational issues, risks management, finance and fundraising, research and service improvement and innovation. This is a new committee and is still developing its agenda and membership.

Successful shortlisted applicants will be invited for a short interview lasting 30 minutes with an opportunity for questions. The interview will be attended by a representative from volunteer services and the supportive oncology directorate.

You will be asked a small number of questions including why you want to volunteer at The Christie, why you would like to do the role you are applying for and what you can bring to the role. You will also be asked if you can commit to the role for the time asked each month and for a year from the point of starting your role.

You can find more information about The Christie on our website.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

At The Christie, we aim to deliver healthcare services that are accessible and inclusive to everyone. We want our teams to reflect the diversity of the patients and communities we serve and therefore welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and identities.

To ensure The Christie is a place characterised by dignity and inclusivity, we ask that volunteers show equal respect to all staff, patients, visitors, and to each other regardless of their background or ability.

Closing date of role

Thursday 13 February 2025

Purpose of role

The Christie is recognised as a leader in the use of data, particularly real-world clinical data, which is transforming the way we work and deliver care. The clinical outcomes and data unit (CODU)’s aim is to harness the latest technologies and empower our staff with next generation data tools and skills. Our strategy is to uplift our clinical teams through data-enhanced clinicians and deliver data-driven improvements with the patient at the heart of everything we do.

You will need to be aware of the CODU strategy and to give your opinion and feedback regarding our processes and activities. All information provided will be in Plain English. You do not need technical expertise to do this role.

For this role, we require one patient representative to attend our quarterly CODU governing steering group meetings to represent patients as part of CODU. There will be no confidential patient data or material discussed at these meetings. All meetings will be hybrid (the option to attend face-to-face or remotely by MS Teams). Representatives will be able to choose the preferred way they wish to attend meetings.

The role will be for 1 year initially, with a possibility of a second year.

Time commitment

There will be 4 meetings per year each lasting 2 hours. Dates to be confirmed.

Preparation time to read the information for each meeting would take around 1 hour depending on the content of the agenda. All documents will be electronic, although printed copies can be supplied if electronic is not accessible. 


Volunteers are required to:

  • Be registered volunteers who are DBS checked and cleared
  • Attend meetings remotely using MS Teams
  • Wear identity badges and volunteer lanyard if on site
  • Conform to Trust policies and procedures that they are made aware of
  • Report any accident/untoward occurrences to a member of staff
  • Comply with training provided
  • In this role, you will:
    • conform to Trust policies and procedures that they are made aware of.
    • use your knowledge and experience to give objective advice about the impact on patients and caregivers around the issues being considered by the steering group, while leaving aside any personal agenda and issues.
    • have a genuine interest in improving services for patients and an understanding of the NHS
    • evaluate a range of information.
    • ask challenging questions with the patient and carer at the heart.
    • work as part of a group, building effective relationships, and listening to and considering the views of others.
    • read papers and related materials in advance, which will be circulated electronically.
    • have an awareness of and commitment to equality and diversity.
    • understand the need for confidentiality.
    • do no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines.
    • treating all steering group members fairly and with respect.
    • have own access to IT equipment such as a laptop/PC or tablet. These will not be supplied.
  • Do no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines
  • Your supervisor (the head of analytics) will:
    • support the work of the steering group volunteer member.
    • be able to deal with any queries/problems/concerns from the steering group volunteer representative.
    • provide a commitment that your views will be taken seriously.
    • offer advice, guidance and support from the chair and vice-chair of the committee.
    • offer pre-meeting briefings to discuss the agenda.
    • provide a clear set of working practice standards including a commitment to use jargon-free language and provide information such as meeting papers in good time.
    • commit to being transparent in the information shared and be honest about what can and cannot be achieved.
  • The marketing and engagement department will:
    • register volunteers on behalf of The Christie.
    • arrange training appropriate to volunteers’ needs.
    • maintain records of volunteers’ attendance at training sessions.
    • liaise with the staff and volunteers.
    • provide a clear description of the role.

Mandatory training

  • to complete mandatory training as specified by the marketing and engagement department.

COVID-19 vaccination

To help maintain the highest levels of safety for our patients, volunteers, and staff, we encourage volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Volunteers may take the opportunity to be vaccinated as part of our staff vaccination programme. 

Flu vaccination

Flu is a key factor in NHS winter pressures. It impacts on those who become ill, the NHS services that provide direct care as a result, and on the wider health and social care system that supports people in at risk groups. We encourage volunteers to be vaccinated to help reduce the spread of unplanned hospital admissions and pressure on the NHS.

Further information

The new Christie Clinical Outcomes and Data Unit (CODU) was launched in July 2023, reflecting new vision and ambition to capitalise on growing data, technology, and innovation appetite.

CODU is a collaborative unit with members from analytics, data science and statistics, quality improvement and clinical audit, information governance, clinical lead and data champions, research & Innovation and patient representation.

Successful shortlisted applicants will be invited for a short interview lasting 30 minutes with an opportunity for questions. The interview will be attended by a representative from volunteer services and a member of the CODU team.

You will be asked a small number of questions including why you want to volunteer at The Christie, why you would like to do the role you are applying for and what you can bring to the role. You will also be asked if you can commit to the role for the time asked each month and for a year from the point of starting your role.

More information about The Christie can be found on our website.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

At The Christie, we aim to deliver healthcare services that are accessible and inclusive to everyone. We want our teams to reflect the diversity of the patients and communities we serve and therefore welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and identities.

To ensure The Christie is a place characterised by dignity and inclusivity, we ask that volunteers show equal respect to all staff, patients, visitors, and to each other regardless of their background or ability.

Closing date of role

Thursday 13 February 2025

Purpose of role

The Christie is recognised as a leader in the use of data, particularly real-world clinical data, which is transforming the way we work and deliver care. The clinical outcomes and data unit (CODU)’s aim is to harness the latest technologies and empower our staff with next generation data tools and skills. Our strategy is to uplift our clinical teams through data-enhanced clinicians and deliver data-driven improvements with the patient at the heart of everything we do.

You will need to be aware of the CODU strategy and to give your opinion and feedback regarding our processes and activities. All information provided will be in Plain English. You do not need technical expertise to do this role.

We require 2 patient representatives to review applications to access the CODU National Screening Committee (NSC) lung research database. You will be sent a summary of the research proposals – in Plain English. We will be looking for your insight and views on the proposals from a patient and/or public perspective by return email.

We also require at least one patient representative to attend the quarterly database management and access committee meetings to oversee the approval of the proposals. Attendance can be shared by the two representatives so each volunteer needs attend only 2 of these meetings per year. There will be no confidential patient data or material discussed at these meetings. All meetings will be hybrid (a combination of face to face and remote by MS Teams). Representatives will be able to choose the preferred way they wish to attend meetings.

The role will be for 1 year initially, with a possibility of a second year.

Time commitment

There will be a maximum of 6 research proposals to review per year, with dates to be confirmed. Each proposal summary will take approximately 60 to 90 minutes to review.

There will be 4 database management and access committee meetings per year. Each will last one hour.

It is not expected there will be any additional reading for this meeting other than the proposals you will have already reviewed and commented upon.


Volunteers are required to:

  • Be registered volunteers who are DBS checked and cleared
  • Attend meetings remotely using MS Teams
  • Wear identity badges and volunteer lanyard if on site
  • Conform to Trust policies and procedures that they are made aware of
  • Report any accident/untoward occurrences to a member of staff
  • Comply with training provided
  • In this role, you will:
    • conform to Trust policies and procedures that you are made aware of.
    • use your knowledge and experience to give objective advice about the impact on patients and caregivers around the issues being considered by the steering group, while leaving aside any personal agenda and issues. 
    • have a genuine interest in improving services for patients and an understanding of the NHS. 
    • evaluate a range of information.
    • ask challenging questions with the patient and carer at the heart.
    • work as part of a group, building effective relationships, and listening to and considering the views of others.
    • read papers and related materials in advance, which will be circulated electronically.
    • have an awareness of and commitment to equality and diversity.
    • understand the need for confidentiality.
    • no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines .
    • treating all steering group members fairly and with respect.
    • have own access to IT equipment such as a laptop/PC or tablet. These will not be supplied.
  • Do no other duties than those agreed in these guidelines
  • The head of analytics:
    • support the work of the steering group volunteer member.
    • be able to deal with any queries/problems/concerns from the steering group volunteer representative.
    • provide a commitment that your views will be taken seriously.
    • offer advice, guidance and support from the chair and vice-chair of the committee.
    • offer pre-meeting briefings to discuss the agenda.
    • provide a clear set of working practice standards including a commitment to use jargon-free language and provide information such as meeting papers in good time.
    • commit to being transparent in the information shared and be honest about what can and cannot be achieved.
  • The marketing and engagement department will:
    • register volunteers on behalf of The Christie.
    • arrange training appropriate to volunteers’ needs.
    • maintain records of volunteers’ attendance at training sessions.
    • liaise with the staff and volunteers.
    • provide a clear description of the role.

Mandatory training

  • to complete mandatory training as specified by the marketing and engagement department.

COVID-19 vaccination

To help maintain the highest levels of safety for our patients, volunteers, and staff, we encourage volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Volunteers may take the opportunity to be vaccinated as part of our staff vaccination programme. 

Flu vaccination

Flu is a key factor in NHS winter pressures. It impacts on those who become ill, the NHS services that provide direct care as a result, and on the wider health and social care system that supports people in at risk groups. We encourage volunteers to be vaccinated to help reduce the spread of unplanned hospital admissions and pressure on the NHS.

Further information

The new Christie Clinical Outcomes and Data Unit (CODU) was launched in July 2023, reflecting new vision and ambition to capitalise on growing data, technology, and innovation appetite.

CODU is a collaborative unit with members from analytics, data science and statistics, quality improvement and clinical audit, information governance, clinical lead and data champions, research & Innovation and patient representation.

Successful shortlisted applicants will be invited for a short interview lasting 30 minutes with an opportunity for questions. The interview will be attended by a representative from volunteer services and a member of the CODU team.

You will be asked a small number of questions including why you want to volunteer at The Christie, why you would like to do the role you are applying for and what you can bring to the role. You will also be asked if you can commit to the role for the time asked each month and for a year from the point of starting your role.

More information about The Christie can be found on our website.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

At The Christie, we aim to deliver healthcare services that are accessible and inclusive to everyone. We want our teams to reflect the diversity of the patients and communities we serve and therefore welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and identities.

To ensure The Christie is a place characterised by dignity and inclusivity, we ask that volunteers show equal respect to all staff, patients, visitors, and to each other regardless of their background or ability.

To apply for any of our volunteer roles, please download an application form. [Microsoft Word Doc - 876KB]

Once completed, please send your application form to the-christie.volunteers@nhs.net or to the following address:

Marketing and engagement
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road
M20 4BX 

We receive high numbers of applications for volunteer places and unfortunately, we are not always able to offer a role to everyone that applies. We thank you for your interest and advise you to check this page regularly for any additional roles. 

Please note that the volunteer recruitment process can take a number of months to complete, which is why we ask for a minimum of six months commitment to The Christie.

Please do ensure you have taken time to carefully read the above information about the volunteering procedure and our FAQs. If you still feel you need advice, the voluntary services team can be contacted at the-christie.volunteers@nhs.net

Last updated: February 2025