Nicky Thorp

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Nicky Thorp

Job title

Consultant Clinical Oncologist

Email Address

of secretary/PA:





Started at The Christie (Year)



At The Christie: Consultant Clinical Oncologist with a sub-speciality interest in paediatric radiotherapy (including proton beam therapy).

At other sites: Medical Director for Professional Practice, Faculty of Clinical Oncology, Royal College of Radiologists.

Professional biography

Nicky Thorp trained in medicine at the University of Leicester, graduating in 1990 and completed her specialist oncology training at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. She was appointed as a consultant clinical oncologist in 2001 at Clatterbridge with subspeciality interests in breast cancer, paediatric radiotherapy and late effects. In 2019, she took up her post at The Christie in Manchester specialising in photon and proton beam therapy for children. Her research interests are in paediatric tumours and radiotherapy quality assurance. She was previously radiotherapy lead for the NCRI CCL CNS Subgroup and is UK radiotherapy lead for the pan-European SIOP Ependymoma II study.

Nicky is the current Medical Director for Professional Practice for Clinical Oncology at the Royal College of Radiologists and is Co-lead for Wellbeing at the RCR. She previously served two terms on the RCR CO Faculty Board.

Nicky was Associate Medical Director at Clatterbridge between 2010 and 2016. Her roles included clinical lead for the new build Clatterbridge Cancer Centre-Liverpool.

She served on the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Executive and is past chair of the CCLG Radiotherapy and Neuro-oncology Groups.

Outside of medicine, she is a trustee for the National Museums Liverpool Foundation Board and a school governor.

Research Interest

Radiotherapy for paediatric malignancies

Educational Interests

Radiotherapy for paediatric malignancies, service improvement, leadership, wellbeing.
