Vanessa Clay

Vanessa Clay
Job title
Medical Oncology Consultant
Email Address
Phone number
0161 446 3746
BSchons (Manchester 2008) MBChBhons (Manchester 2009) MRCP (London 2012) PhD (Manchester 2019)
Breast, Acute oncology
Started at The Christie (Year)
2013, consultant position taken up in February 2021
At The Christie
- Treatment of patients with early and advanced breast cancer with chemotherapy.
- Member of the acute oncology consultant team, leading and delivering care to Christie hospital inpatients across all oncology subspecialties
At other sites:
- Visiting Medical Oncology Consultant at Macclesfield district general hospital delivering breast cancer care.
Professional biography
Dr Clay graduated from the University of Manchester in 2009. She completed her junior doctor training at hospitals across the North West, before commencing her specialist Oncology training at Christie in 2013.
In 2015 Dr Clay was successfully appointed to a clinical research fellowship position. She focused her laboratory research on breast cancer and immunotherapy and was awarded a PhD in 2019.
After completing her oncology training, she was appointed as a Consultant Medical Oncologist in February 2021.