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Transition from children’s services to The Christie Teenage and Young Adult (TYA)

If you’re under 16 and you’re a cancer patient, you’ll usually be treated by children’s services at your local hospital. In Greater Manchester, this might be Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH).

When you’re 16, you’ll move to the Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) services at The Christie. This is a ‘transition’ to TYA services, and you’ll hear staff using this word when they’re talking about the move.

Transition is a gradual process – you won’t need to suddenly change where you receive treatment. It’s important that you and your clinical team have the time needed to transition your care smoothly.

Why you need to transition to The Christie TYA service

As you get older, you need care and support which focuses on your needs as a teenager and a young adult. This is best provided by a specialist TYA service, rather than children’s services.

Now you are a young adult, you might need different support from when you were having treatment from children’s services. For example, you might need support with your higher education, advice on dealing with any body image worries and other issues you might experience as a young person.

You might also find it helpful to be around other TYA patients, as this means you can have support from patients who are a similar age and who are going through a similar experience to you.

Getting ready for transition to The Christie TYA service

The doctors and nurses at your local hospital will be able to support you ahead of transitioning to The Christie TYA service. They should you be able to think of any questions you might need to ask about your treatment and care.

When you first visit The Christie TYA service, make sure you know who to contact if you have questions about your treatment or in an emergency. Make sure you also know about the support networks available as you transition into TYA services. These may be provided by The Christie or by other charities focused on TYA support.

You can also read our patient information leaflet on ‘Transitioning from Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital to The Christie’.

Last updated: April 2023