
In order to reduce your chances of getting a chest infection or a blood clot, and to help your bowel function recover faster, we encourage you to mobilise as soon as possible after your surgery.

The plan for mobilisation depends upon the nature of your surgery. If you are stable and feeling well, we aim to have you sitting out of bed for a short period the evening of your surgery.

From day one post-surgery, your aim is to walk at least 60 meters four times a day and to sit out of bed for at least six hours.

Patients are encouraged to dress in their usual clothes and to mobilise to the dining room for meals.

You will be provided with exercises you can do in bed to help promote circulation and prevent blood clots. It is a good idea to practise these before your surgery.

To assist mobilisation and help reduce the risk of a urine infection, urinary catheters are removed as soon as possible after surgery. This will vary dependent on the type of surgery carried out.

Last updated: February 2023