Clinical outcomes

Monitoring clinical outcome data is an integral part of our quality assessment. It is led by Professor Andrew Renehan, supported by our Data Manager and the clinical team.

Collecting and monitoring

We prospectively collect our clinical data and outcomes across three linked databases for colorectal cancer, peritoneal tumours and metastases, and anal cancer.

This data is monitored regularly through our quarterly mortality and morbidity meeting. To record complications from our operations in a standardised way, we’ve used the National Cancer Institute (CCTAE) system since 2008. We’ve also included the Clavien-Dindo classification system since 2011. This allows us to compare and demonstrate that while our major surgical cases have increased each year, our complication rates are among the lowest in the world.

Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology service report

We regularly produce service reports outlining our activity, events and outcomes. Read our annual service report 2022 and see what is happening in the Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology service.

Last updated: March 2023