Sue Savage, Christie member

Sue is a Christie patient and has received many treatments and periods of remission over many years. She decided to become a member of The Christie NHS Foundation Trust to follow cancer care developments and to make a difference.

“I used special family celebrations as a way of donating funds for The Christie rather than accepting presents. I was then invited to the seminar events which were excellent and informative. My husband and I really enjoyed these and found the speakers interesting. We learned a lot about The Christie.
“I wanted to support, provide feedback, meet Christie staff and gain knowledge of the latest developments. In addition, I wanted to see how money raised was spent to help other patients. It gives us a lot of personal satisfaction to see how the hospital has become a world class cancer centre.
“I feel part of The Christie family and want to put something back. I was thrilled when Prof Illidge asked me to accompany him to a presentation at the British Medical Association in London on my experiences with Zevalin treatment (a radioisotope). It was to encourage sponsors to donate to The Christie charity. It was called (Sue’s) Magic Bullet Appeal.
“My photograph and cancer story have also been used for Prof Illidge’s other appeals. These have been very enjoyable experiences and we trust that people have responded generously.
“Meeting other Christie personnel, consultants and patients provides scope for a team approach. It also leads to a deeper understanding of procedures, aims, objectives and needs – so important when learning about the hospital’s priorities, new equipment and concern for the experience of a patient’s difficult cancer journey.
“Join! You won’t regret it and you will enjoy the experience whether you are a patient, carer or supporter. Your views will be treated with respect and consideration. I encourage you to join.
“This is a caring and specialised hospital which embraces innovation in cancer care. Over the years, I have seen many developments and met different members of staff, all of whom are dedicated to improving patient care and cancer outcomes. I feel privileged to be a part of this process as I am indebted to all the doctors, nurses and staff for all the life-saving treatments I receive.
“I joined as a patient but now feel I have become a friend.”

Do you want to help support and improve The Christie? Become a member of The Christie today or help us keep in touch by updating your details if you’re already a member.