Why do you use this method of fundraising?

Mailings are an important and effective way for us to raise funds for The Christie Charity. Mailings encourage regular gifts and enable us to share our appeals with both current and new supporters. They allow us to update recipients on areas of the charity which require support as well as keeping people informed about the progress of projects supporters may have given to in the past.

A photo of a direct marketing mailing pack from The Christie Charity. The envelope reads 'Thanks to you... innovative radiotherapy is changing cancer stories here - and around the world'.
An example of one of our recent mailing packs

Who we send mailings to and why  

We send a set number of mailings every year to current supporters who donate regularly to our appeals or have set up a regular gift to us, such as a Direct Debit.  

We also send a smaller number of mailings to people who we feel may have an interest in the charity and our work. This includes previous supporters who have not given in some time, or people who haven't donated before but have consented to hearing from organisations like The Christie Charity via a third party.  

We also occasionally send out a Door Drop mailing. Drop Drops are sent to pre-chosen postcode areas rather than specific people or addresses.

For all our appeal mailings, we carry out a number of checks to try minimise the likelihood of people getting the same mailing twice. We also do the usual checks to try and ensure we do not mail people who have recently moved or have passed away, although this information can sometimes take time to be included on the national register.

With every appeal, we always ensure the recipient has the option to opt out of any future donation and marketing mailings.

Who is the letter from?  

Our letters are always signed by real members of staff – nurses, consultants, researchers for example, who have insight into the topic we are raising funds for. We collaborate with them to create our mailings and ensure our content is as accurate and timely as possible.  

The patients you read about in our mailings are also always real people who have been treated at The Christie, and have given us permission to share their stories.  

How can I tell if the appeal letter is from The Christie Charity?

You can easily check whether the mailing you have received is a genuine mailing from The Christie. 

Our mailings usually have a corresponding fundraising campaign webpage set up, and the URL will be printed on the payment page of the mailing.  

The webpage will have details about the appeal that correspond to those details shared in the postal appeal.

For a small number of mailings, we're just getting in touch to say thanks and not to highlight a specific project we're fundraising for. We don't create campaign pages for these but if you're inspired to donate by what you've received, you can do so using the form below.

Why do you use a freepost address?  

Processing donations can take a lot of time and we are fortunate to have a very high response to some of our appeals. We use a freepost address to ensure we can receive and respond to your donation or query as efficiently and consistently as possible.  

Where can I get more information or make a donation online?  

For more information on our individual appeals, please get in touch or visit the fundraising section of our website where you can donate to the appeal of your choice.

Last updated: July 2024