54-year-old Sebastian, a barrister from Northwich and a father of 3, was told he had bowel cancer in April 2022. By summer 2023, the cancer had spread and is now inoperable.

Sebastian currently has chemotherapy every 2 weeks at The Christie to shrink his tumours, but this often leaves him feeling very weak and unwell. Despite this, Sebastian took on the Altrincham 10K run in September 2024 with his youngest daughter, 19-year-old Olivia.

Although Sebastian said that the run was tough – particularly Moss Lane near the end of the route – he said he really felt the support on the day.

According to Sebastian, it was actually Olivia’s idea to take part in the Altrincham 10K. Sebastian and his family – Olivia, his 2 other children Georgina and Edward, and his wife Abigail – wanted to show their support for The Christie. Sebastian said he felt it was important to fundraise for The Christie Charity to help us continue to provide care and support for patients like him.

Sebastian credits his resilience to The Christie.“It’s thanks to The Christie I am alive,” he said. “I get to spend more time with my family. I’m
carrying on and making the most of it.”

Everyone at The Christie is amazing. They are so kind and keep me in the best of spirits.

Sebastian Clegg, Christie patient

“Taking on a 10k run is a challenge for anyone, but to do it while undergoing chemotherapy really is impressive. It takes a lot of courage and strength to cope with a cancer diagnosis, but to then focus your energies on training and fundraising while undergoing gruelling treatment is truly inspirational. We are very grateful to Sebastian and Olivia for their commitment and support.”

  - Alicia Gaffey, mass participation events co-ordinator at The Christie Charity

Your support today means that patients like Sebastian can enjoy longer, better lives. Donate to our appeal today and help us to provide the very best in care and services for our patients in 2025.

A photo of Christie patient Sebastian Clegg with his daughter Olivia.
Sebastian with his daughter Olivia