We are so grateful to you for your support of The Christie Charity through a regular gift via standing order.

Regular gifts are vital to The Christie because the nature of what we do is ongoing. Your kind donation helps support life-changing research projects which the charity funds and makes a real difference to the lives of our patients.

We wanted to let you know about an important change that will be taking place soon, and the simple steps you can take to ensure you continue to support our work.

As a regular giver by Standing Order, you may have received a letter from us recently about these changes.

We have recently changed our banking arrangements, and now have a new charity bank account with Barclays. This means our current bank account will close.

To prepare for this, our new charity bank account is now in operation.

If you would like to continue to support our work via Standing Order and pay your regular gift directly to our new bank account as you are currently doing, please use the information below to set it up.

Please be aware that if you want to keep supporting The Christie via Standing Order, you will need to take action as outlined – The Christie cannot do this on your behalf.

You can set up a Standing Order by visiting your local bank branch, contacting your bank via your preferred method such as telephone banking, or via online banking.

For payment directly into our bank account, you will need the following details:

Account Name: The Christie Charity
Bank Name: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-55-34
Account No: 40354961

Bank Address: 17 Mann Island
Liverpool Waterfront
L3 1BP

When setting up your standing order, please use the following reference numbers as your bank reference for your gift:

<Your supporter ID> (space) A00069

Your supporter ID is a 6-digit code and is unique to you. It should be on any letters we've sent you. If you can't find your supporter ID, please contact us and we can find it for you. By including A00069 at the end of your reference, you will ensure your donations continue to go to support our Cancer Research Fund.

Please set up your new Standing Order as soon as possible. Don’t forget to cancel your old Standing Order.

If you have questions about this or want more information, you can:

Have you considered switching your Standing Order to a Direct Debit? Direct Debits are easy to set up and once it’s done you won’t have to think any more about it. They’re cheaper for us to process too. More details via the link above or speak to our charity colleagues via the number provided.

Your incredible gifts help to fund projects that can transform the lives of patients and their families at The Christie. From world-class research and clinical trials to state-of-the-art equipment and buildings, none of this would be possible without your continual support.

Thank you so much for helping make a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families, both now and in the future.

Last updated: January 2024