Press release posted 22 August 2024
In the annual national inpatient survey, published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) this week, The Christie ranked in the top group of trusts for our results.
The 2023 inpatient survey shows how we scored against other NHS trusts throughout England in a series of questions that consider all aspects of the experience inpatients have when they are admitted to hospital.
Overall the survey looked at the experiences of 63,573 people across 131 NHS trusts who stayed at least one night in hospital during November 2023. Then, between January and April 2024, 1250 people at each participating NHS trust were invited to take part in the survey and 651 (52%) people responded about The Christie and their experience here.
The survey asked questions about hospital admission and discharge, the hospital and ward environment, care and treatment, communication with staff, involvement in decisions and being treated with respect and dignity.
Our patients gave a score of 9.1 out of 10 in the survey when asked what their overall experience was while they were in hospital, which was ‘much better than expected’ compared with other trusts in the survey, marking another year of consistently positive patient feedback.
Some of the main highlights from the survey were:
- Patients felt that they were treated with dignity and respect while they were in hospital - (Scoring 9.7 out of 10)
- Patients were happy with the cleanliness of rooms or wards - (Scoring 9.6 out of 10)
- Patients felt hospital staff answered their questions before being admitted into hospital - (Scoring 9.1 out of 10)
- Patients felt nurses included them in discussions about their care - (Scoring 9.3 out of 10)
- Patients had a lot of confidence and trust in the doctors treating them - (Scoring 9.7 out of 10)
- Patients felt very satisfied with the amount of information they were given about their condition or treatment - (Scoring 9.7 out of 10)
- Patients strongly agreed that they were given enough privacy when being examined or treated - (Scoring 9.9 out of 10)
- Patients being offered food that met any dietary needs or requirements - (Scoring 9 out of 10)
- Patients being told who to contact if worried about their condition or treatment after leaving hospital - (Scoring 9.7 out of 10)
Vicky Sharples, Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality at The Christie, said: “All our staff work hard and strive to provide the best quality patient care, putting patients at the heart of everything we do.
“Patient feedback through surveys like this is essential to us, and we always listen to patients to find out how we can give them the best experience possible. We are thrilled that this shows up so clearly from patients in the results of this national survey, but we are never complacent.”

One Christie inpatient with a very positive experience was Jane Coleman, age 61, from Warrington. She was diagnosed with renal cancer and had surgery at The Christie in September 2023, followed by a week in hospital afterwards to recover.
Jane said: “The last thing you want is to be in hospital for cancer surgery, but The Christie looked after me really well and made the experience as good as it could be.
“I am delighted to hear that The Christie has done so well in this national patient survey, but it comes as no surprise as the care and treatment they gave were exceptional. The staff were caring, companionate and professional at all times and treated me with kindness, respect and dignity."
For further information about the survey, please see the adult inpatient survey 2023 results on the CQC website.