Kathryn Banfill

Kathryn Banfill
Job title
Consultant in Clinical Oncology
Phone number
Christie at Macclesfield: 0161 956 1770; Christie main site: 0161 446 3336
Fax number
Christie at Macclesfield: the-christie.macclesfield.oncologysec@nhs.net; Christie main site: sam.bryan@nhs.net
BSc (Hons), MBChB, FRCR, PhD
Clinical trials, Lung, Radiotherapy
Started at The Christie (Year)
- Radiotherapy for lung cancer, clinical trials
- Christie at Macclesfield - radiotherapy and systemic therapy for lung cancer
- Member of the Royal College of Radiologists artificial intelligence in clinical oncology group
Professional biography
Dr Banfill graduated from Edinburgh University in 2007 with a degree in medicine. She completed her general medical training in Edinburgh and Leeds prior to clinical oncology training at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre in Glasgow.
In 2018, Dr Banfill moved to the Christie to take up a post as a Cancer Research UK Manchester Cancer Research Clinical Research Training Fellow with the Radiotherapy Related Research group at the University of Manchester, leading to the award of a PhD in cardiac disease and COVID-19 in lung cancer radiotherapy in 2023. As a clinical fellow, Dr Banfill led the COVID-RT Lung project which won a NIHR trailblazer in COVID 19 research response award.
Dr Banfill was appointed as a Consultant in Clinical Oncology at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in 2022. She works at The Christie at Macclesfield and at the main site treating patients with lung cancer with radiotherapy and systemic anticancer therapy. She maintains a research interest in thoracic cancer and clinical trials.
Research Interest
Dr Banfill’s main interest are cardio-oncology and multiple long-term conditions in patients with thoracic cancer. She is co-principal investigator of the RAPID-RT trial, an NIHR methodology programme grant on rapid learning and cardiac avoidance in thoracic radiotherapy. She aims to involve under-represented populations in clinical trials and open relevant trials at Christie treatment centres.
Educational Interests
- Educational supervisor for doctors in training
- University of Buckingham at Crewe Professional Mentor
Other publications
- Banfill K, Dufton A, Dodds D. Radiotherapy for patients with prostate cancer. Cancer Nursing Practice. 2016; 15(1), 27-33. DOI: 10.7748/cnp.15.1.27.s21
- Banfill K, Bownes P J, St Clair S E, Loughrey C, Hatfield P. Stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of brain metastases: Impact of cerebral disease burden on survival. British Journal of Neurosurgery. 2012; 26 (5), 674-678. DOI: 10.3109/02688697.2012.690913
- Banfill K, Oliphant TJ, Prasad KR. Resolution of pancreatic panniculitis following metastasectomy. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2012; 37(4), 440-441. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2230.2011.04237.x