Rebecca Halstead is the Lead Colorectal/Peritoneal Tumour Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Colorectal and Peritoneal Oncology Centre (CPOC) at The Christie. In July 2024, she joined Christie patient Becky Maskill on the Can I Butt In? podcast from charity Bowel Research UK.
Can I Butt In? covers various topics related to bowel cancer and bowel disease and is hosted by Patient and Public Involvement Manager Sam Alexandra Rose. Every episode focuses on a specific topic in detail, with input from patients, researchers, healthcare professionals and carers.
In this episode, the podcast discusses the spread of bowel cancer to the peritoneum. Becky talks about her patient experience of peritoneal metastases and Rebecca talks about the importance of her role in supporting patients and the treatments available for peritoneal metastases. The 2 women also discuss their long relationship since Becky’s diagnosis nearly 10 years ago.
You can listen to the episode on Podbean now.