Diane Brooks was aware of cancer from a young age. Her mother and grandmother both died early from breast cancer.

Because of her family history, Diane was given regular mammograms. Then in 2001, doctors found ‘chalky particles’ in her breasts. Because these particles are often confined only to the nipple ducts, Diane was offered a lumpectomy to remove them. However, she opted for a double mastectomy instead.

With a husband and young family, she was determined to do everything she could to fight the disease. 

But, after surgery, Diane’s specialist told her he had discovered a large tumour that had not been visible on the scans, and it had already spread to her lymph nodes. Diane was immediately placed on a course of chemotherapy and took part in her first clinical trial. She has now been part of five different trials – three for completely new drugs and two ‘combination trials’ that test known drugs alongside chemotherapy.

Fifteen years later, Diane has been able to see her four children grow up. She’s been there for important milestones – her youngest daughter, who was only two-years-old when she was first diagnosed, completed her GCSEs just last year.

If it wasn’t for clinical trials, I wouldn’t be alive today

Diane Brooks